SEGGER Ports embOS for RISC-V Architecture
The porting of the operating system and supporting elements will allow developers to take advantage of the low memory footprint of the software.
In addition to embOS, SEGGER has also ported emWin, emSSL, emSSH, embOS/IP, emModbus, emUSB-Host and emUSB-Device, emLoad and emSecure software and middleware to provide developers with a comprehensive choice of communication stacks, security options and libraries, as well as the means to update devices in the field.
The launch of the ported OS, middleware and stacks is supported with a board support package for the Digilent Artix-A7 ARTY evaluation board to allow developers get started quickly without additional configuration. The BSP comes with a ready to run project included.
embOS complies with MISRA-C:2012, making the software ideal for automotive and high-integrity applications.
More information is available at: https://www.segger.com/embos.html