Septentrio adds high-accuracy GEODNET GNSS correction services

Septentrio adds high-accuracy GEODNET GNSS correction services

Business news |
By Jean-Pierre Joosting

Septentrio has announced that GEODNET GNSS correction services is being added to its Agnostic Corrections Partner Program, which provides users with the flexibility to choose from a variety of high-accuracy correction services, ensuring compatibility with diverse application needs and geographical requirements.

GEODNET (Global Earth Observation Decentralized Network) is a decentralized network of GNSS reference stations designed to provide highly accurate location services (RTK). Station private operators contribute to the network infrastructure.

The innovative, decentralized GEODNET RTK network extends high-accuracy positioning while keeping costs low, benefiting a variety of applications including robotics, GIS and UAVs.
“At Septentrio, we focus on delivering greater value to our GNSS users by ensuring compatibility with a wide range of high-accuracy services, while simplifying the setup process,” said Gustavo Lopez, Market Portfolio Manager. “This collaboration brings innovative decentralized GNSS correction options, offering users centimetre-level accuracy solutions that support new use cases requiring precise positioning, even in areas where RTK correction services are not typically available due to infrastructure limitations. “
“GEODNET has joined Septentrio’s Agnostic GNSS Corrections Program, expanding access to the largest RTK network for Septentrio’s customers. We are also announcing the development of a new GEODNET reference station, powered by Septentrio’s advanced mosaic architecture, ensuring even greater precision and resiliency in the GEODNET network.” said Mike Horton, GEODNET co-founder.

GEODNET is a blockchain-based Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Network (DePIN), which ensures secure, transparent, and efficient data sharing and transactions. The GEODNET protocol autonomously monitors and  controls its 10,000+ base station network to ensure service reliability and quality. GEODNET joins Septentrio’s Agnostic Corrections Partner Program, which already includes leading services such as Polaris from PointOne Navigation, Skylark from Swift Navigation, TopNet Live from Topcon, and PointPerfect from u-Blox.


Further reading

Low-power GNSS chip for wearable applications
Inertial sensors for autonomous machines and edge AI
Mosaic Click board enables multi-band GNSS tracking
SparkFun releases GNSS PNT evaluation kit for L1/L2 bands

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