Siemens opens automated marine battery module factory in Norway

Siemens opens automated marine battery module factory in Norway

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

The factory includes an automated and digitized production line with eight robot stations with a capacity of up to 300 megawatt hours (MWh) per year, producing 55 battery modules per shift for the marine and offshore market. From unpacking the incoming production parts to testing the finished battery module, the whole factory is completely automated. One battery consists of nine battery modules, each module consists of 28 battery cells.

“We expect this market to grow significantly in the future. That is why we have invested in the development of safe and reliable battery solutions,” said Bjørn Einar Brath, Head of Offshore Solutions at Siemens.

So far, Norwegian companies have led the way in the electrification of shipping. Due to the global decision to invest in maritime battery systems, interest in Siemens battery solutions is also growing on the international market. “We also see interest in such solutions outside Norway. The new battery factory will therefore also serve an international market,” said Brath. 

“In Trondheim, we have established a competence center for electrical and hybrid solutions with years of experience. This has impressed global management so much that we are now responsible for the development of new battery systems,” says Anne Marit Panengstuen, CEO of Siemens AS. Siemens was also encouraged by its closeness to ambitious customers in the Norwegian maritime industry and by the policy offensive for low-emission solutions.

Until now, the market has been largely driven by electric ferries, but Siemens sees potential for fishing boats, workboats for aquaculture and offshore plants.The factory recently received its first order to assemble batteries for use on a drilling rig. West Mira, a drilling platform of the international drilling company Northern Drilling, will be the first drilling rig in the world to be operated with a modern battery system. For such a drilling rig, it is estimated that a battery solution can reduce annual fuel consumption by twelve percent, annual carbon dioxide emissions by fifteen percent and annual nitrogen oxide emissions by twelve percent.

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