Signal-quality analysers extended to cover higher speed serial signalling

Signal-quality analysers extended to cover higher speed serial signalling

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By eeNews Europe

This expands the functions of the MP1800A 32G BERT to support 56G and 64G BER measurements required for evaluating high-speed serial transmission devices, such as SERDES. When used in conjunction with the MP1800A, the two new modules support a generation of NRZ Data and BER measurements up to 64.2 Gbit/sec. Support for Jitter Tolerance and Bathtub Jitter measurements meets the recommendations of the latest CEI-56G and 400GbE standards.

In order to address the ever increasing demands for speed and capacity, the server, storage and communications markets are moving towards the conversion to parallel lanes, with an increase in serial transmission speeds and the adoption of PAM transmission. At the same time the IEEE is examining a switch from 100GbE to 400GbE, and the Optical Internetworking Forum (OIF) is examining new-high-speed interfaces, such as upgrading from CEI-28G to CEI-56G.

“The result of this extensive standards work is a requirement to test these new capabilities, and to ensure the new technologies can be reliably built and deployed in the field using the newest standards for the required high speed interfaces” said Jonathan Borrill, Director of Marketing at Anritsu (EMEA). “The breadth of functionality that the MP1800A series offers will help make these higher speeds for server and network equipment possible sooner”.

Anritsu’s MP1800A Signal Quality Analyser series is a plug-in, modular-type Bit Error Rate Tester (BERT) simultaneously accommodating Pulse Pattern Generator (PPG), Error Detector (ED), synthesiser, and jitter generation modules. It supports simultaneous generation of synchronous signals and measurement of Bit Error Rates (BER), for up to 8 channels, by installing multiple 32G PPG and ED modules.


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