Slow Run collects trace information on MCUs without trace port

Slow Run collects trace information on MCUs without trace port

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By eeNews Europe

To save costs many manufacturers do not include an on-chip debug trace port on low-priced MCUs. If problems occur during development, without a trace port there is no way to get any detailed information on the execution of the application.
The Slow Run mode provides analysis of the complete program and data trace to show which instruction was executed with what data, code overage to show what code path has been executed and what are dead code paths and non-real time code profiling to show when, how long, and which functions are executing.
In Slow Run mode iSYSTEM’s winIDEA tool executes the target application step by step and gathers CPU state information and constructs a trace file for analysis.
The collection and processing of all of these data needs time – that’s why this mode is called “Slow Run”. The effective rate is at 30-50 instructions per second, dependent on the architecture used.
Slow Run mode is not a substitute for powerful MCUs with trace ports and according debuggers, but it gives the developer an insight into the complete application’s execution, where without Slow Run mode only small details are visible.

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