Small integrated SPDT switch and LNA with bypass mode
The MAMF-010614 is an innovative solution for customers who need a versatile, ultra-small packaged multi-function MMIC for 8082.11a,n,ac applications. The switch is packaged in a conveniently small 2-mm x 2-mm 12-lead STQFN while providing superior performance over the 5 to 6 GHz bandwidth. The device, which includes an SPDT switch with an integrated LNA with bypass mode, allows for a simple and easy solution for real estate constrained customers. The MAMF-010614 delivers high isolation between Tx and Rx paths, low Tx insertion loss and high gain.
“This multi function MMIC is useful to customers in WLAN applications where a bypass mode is required to avoid near-field distortion”, said Tom Galluccio, Product Manager. “The MAAM-010614 has low Tx insertion loss of 0.9 dB, high Rx gain performance of 12 dB and low Rx noise figure of 2.2 dB, altogether making it a high performing solution in an ultra-small package.”