Small-signal bipolar transistors help shrink portable designs

Small-signal bipolar transistors help shrink portable designs

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By eeNews Europe

With a footprint of 0.48 mm2 and an off-board profile of only 0.4mm, the transistors are 20% smaller than equivalent DFN1006, SOT883 and SOT1123 parts. Their size advantage, coupled with a commendable 400 mW power dissipation capability, will benefit smartphone, tablet and other space-critical portable product designs. Two complementary pairs of NPN and PNP transistors are initially being introduced by Diodes in the DFN0806-3 package, with pre-biased (digital) transistors to follow.

The NPN MMBT3904FA and PNP MMBT3906FA transistors are 40 V VCE rated, handle a continuous current of 200 mA and support a 500 mA peak pulse current. The NPN BC847BFA and PNP BC857BFA devices are 45 V rated and have continuous current and pulse current handling capabilities of 100 mA and 200 mA, respectively.

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