Smallest 32.768 kHz clock oscillator: AT-xtal stability
New Products
Graham Prophet
The range delivers better temperature characteristic than standard 32.768 kHz tuning fork crystal based oscillators due to the use of an AT-cut crystal normally found in higher frequency oscillators. Start-up time is 7 msec at 3.3V with a rise and fall time of 200 nsec. These CMOS based oscillators are available in three supply voltages: 1.8V (IQXO-986), 2.5V (IQXO-985) and 3.3V (IQXO-984) with frequency stabilities of ±30 ppm over an operating temperature range of -20 to 70C or ±50ppm over -40 to 85C. Typical applications include battery management systems, communication modules and systems (Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, Wireless LAN & Zigbee), LCD lighting systems and smart meters (AMR).
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