Smart city mobility operating systems to boost economic growth
The proliferation of platform-based business models for city mobility management and the ecosystems they enable, says the firm, is unlocking immense growth potential in the process. According to the firm, a mobility operating system can play an important role in mobility management for smart cities in the future through the development of intelligent transport infrastructure in collaboration with the private sector.
Intelligent mobility operations created through the adoption of smart mobility solutions is also expected to make these cities highly attractive for economic growth.
“Growing concerns around mobility management are driving solution providers to support governments in developing smart city mobility operating systems,” says Abhishek Iyer, Research Analyst, Mobility at Frost & Sullivan. “These systems can enhance operational efficiencies, monitor and manage city traffic, and offer greater mobility and connectivity to citizens across smart cities.”
The firm’s latest report analyzes the dynamics of the global smart city mobility operating systems market, focusing on city mobility solutions. It provides information on key stakeholders, market drivers, key technologies, partner ecosystems, the role of cities, and the benefits of implementing a smart city mobility operating system. The research also identifies various opportunities for growth and offers strategic recommendations to capitalize on them.
Cities around the globe are dealing with issues like urbanization, pollution, and congestion, and the end solutions for monitoring and managing mobility are shifting from individual businesses toward comprehensive solutions for cities. Mobility companies and technology providers, says the firm, will play an important role in helping cities get smarter with more connected technologies and customer data to help them grow faster.
“Smart city mobility systems cover four broad components: a city-wide communication network, a cloud-based data store, an intelligent command center, and cybersecurity,” says Iyer. “Success for future city mobility operating systems will depend on these components working in a harmonized manner.”
For more, see “Mobility Operating System for Global Smart Cities.”
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