Smart communications for end devices such as smart meters, illumination and remote sensors
Combining the capabilities of the high performance VEmesh wireless mesh networks and Hadassim DCS (Data Communications Server) cloud-computing platform, integrators are able to realize quickly the operational benefits of the full communications link. They do so by minimizing costs and risks, afforded by the simple and secure validated communication between a single management centre and all the end devices, while maintaining full ownership and control over their communication.
The communication link features an optimal combination of high performance wireless mesh networks with highly reliable cloud-computing communication, and includes built-in security for protection against data eavesdropping or interception, for easy-to-implement communication infrastructure. Its use is in secure and reliable reading of any combination of electric, water and gas smart meters from multiple networks, as well as the communication necessary to manage, analyse and report the operational data from a centralized platform. Customers are able to access their individual data, using the same secure access system. In smart and emergency illumination, the infrastructure communication solution leverages standards-based protocols like DALI and any customized extensions or variants.
"System integrators will benefit from the cost savings and robustness that this pre-integrated solution provides, as it reduces the integration time and the unnecessary split of responsibilities," said Yariv Oren, CEO of Virtual Extension.
Hadassim DCS connects on one side to any number of VEmesh networks, and to the users of the customer’s management centre on the other side, using standard Internet protocols for securing the web-access. Amongst the other tasks, the DCS channels on-line the data between the management centre and appropriate wireless mesh networks, consolidates the data from the wireless networks to the management centre, manages the storage, logging and alerts, and receives and executes all the requests addressed to it. Customers can choose between using their own communications servers and receiving a full solution that includes the servers.
VEmesh, Virtual Extension’s high performance wireless mesh networks, are built to provide OEMs with license-free RF communications in difficult environments and over long distances. Customers consider VEmesh as the most cost-effective alternative where range, reliability, flexibility, and simplicity of deployment are crucial. The synchronized flooding technology used in VEmesh ensures that each transmission is optimally relayed by the nodes surrounding it. Instead of investing in computing and network resources to choose the best radio path and then instruct specific nodes, the network benefits from the inherent space diversity of a multitude of propagation paths, eliminating the need to route and manage, thus increasing the robustness and range of the network. The proven VEmesh is available in chip, standard module, and customized module formats.