Smart grids turn to wireless systems

Smart grids turn to wireless systems

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By eeNews Europe

As one of very few smart metering-providers Kamstrup offers RF-communication in their smart metering-system and has done so for more than ten years. Seen from Kamstrup’s point of view, the reason why wireless systems prevail in smart grid technology is simple: RF works – a plain fact which is being corroborated by numerous, high-performing RF-based systems from all over the world.

In the past, Kamstrup has offered RF and PLC solutions together, but has now terminated its PLC programme as RF very soon began to show much more convincing results. The evidence is plenty. Sweden was one of the first countries to roll out smart meters nationwide, and now the Swedish case study offers experience to learn from. Many utilities who first opted for a PLC-solution have afterwards switched to an RF-solution as PLC showed poor performance on meter readings, of which 60 to 90 % was traceable to grid disturbances. Some have chosen to mend the problem by installing expensive filters.

Read the full article on page 51 of our October digital edition.

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