Sengled’s LoRa-enabled lightbulb is a BR30 that offers on/off, color temperature tuning (CCT) and diming capabilities via LoRa wireless control. During recent LoRa Alliance meetings Sengled provided a demonstration with machineQ, a new Comcast enterprise IoT network service that uses LoRa’s Low Power Wide Area Network (LPWAN) technology to transmit and create actionable intelligence from IoT devices.
“Just as automation is redefining the consumer experience at home, through integrated networks that control everything from security cameras to lighting with mobile apps and voice commands, we want to bring that same intelligence to cities,” said Alex Ruan, General Manager of Sengled North America. “It’s a natural progression, smarter homes spark smarter cities and ultimately smarter and more efficient nations. Features such as energy tracking, security and remote control offer a lot of value for consumers, and it’s time to bring that same level of technology and convenience to commercial practices.”
Sengled Element joined Comcast’s Xfinity Home’s smart device offering in 2016 and is working with machineQ to enable smart lighting in cities.
“Expanding smart lighting to environments where connectivity can be challenging ̶ like cities, campuses, high-rises and corporate parks – can unlock significant energy savings for municipalities, businesses and educational institutions,” said Bryan Witkowski, Head of Product for machineQ. “As machineQ’s service network expands, collaborating with innovative providers like Sengled will enable us to develop solutions that cities and businesses can deploy to meet their IoT goals.”