Smart mobility services coming to consumers

Smart mobility services coming to consumers

By eeNews Europe

New services will be used for producing and receiving contextually local voice and information services on vehicle operation, services, weather conditions and traffic disturbances, for example. Smart mobility refers to improving services related to smooth traffic, safety and services that are connected to traffic with the help of information and communication technology.

With the help of vehicle sensor technology, mobile applications and background system logic, the group of companies called Cosmos has developed innovative smart mobile services that will be available on the GoSmart smart mobile website. The development has been carried out as part of the Digile IoT project that is funded by Tekes.

By the end of 2015, the operators who are part of the Cosmos group – Cinia, Multiprint, Vediafi and VTT – will commercialise services that are currently being piloted. Drivers will be offered traditional positioning services and added value services related to safety and smooth mobility, such as traffic and authoritative notices, weather information and information related to safe travelling and service connections.

Authorities will receive a service that will enable rapid identification of sudden and unexpected traffic disturbances. Through the interface of the service, drivers will be able to produce site-specific disturbance information, for example, on temporary slipperiness, animals, people, obstacles or frost on the road, accidents, short-term roadworks, poor visibility, and vehicles that are going in the wrong direction. The Cosmos group gathers and distributes this information directly in cooperation with road users so that the information is available in real time.

Communication companies will receive a geographically-specific channel that can even be specified separately for each person or vehicle. All services can be acquired through the GoSmart smart traffic website.

"GoSmart is the first open website for smart mobile services in which productised services of various parties are directly available, and applications can be downloaded by consumers and professional drivers. Our service offering will contain both domestic and international smart mobile services," states Vediafi Oy’s CEO Lauri Lankinen. VEDIA-GoSmart service is available at

"It is important that services are developed in cooperation with the public sector, companies and research organisations. This will guarantee a comprehensive range of services for those on the move, and also ensure the compatibility and continuity of services and the development of new innovative services in the future," says Project Manager Raine Hautala from VTT.

"Our objective is that, through cooperation, we can develop and commercialise a completely new kind of a communication and marketing channel and attach it as part of the existing entity of multi-channel communication," comments Jarmo Kojo, Director, Customer Communication solutions from Multiprint.

"New GoSmart added value services that have been developed complement Cinia’s existing service offering for professional drivers. Cinia’s real-time and targeted vehicle services will improve the efficiency of our customers’ preparedness for road traffic disturbances in order to minimise their effects and maximise safety," says Business Director Timo Kataja from Cinia.

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