Software analyzes multi-region V2X messages

Software analyzes multi-region V2X messages

New Products |
By Rich Pell

V2X communications is a critical element in the future of the connected car, with the first IEEE802.11p-compliant V2X services already being deployed in Japan, and the US and Europe rapidly rolling out commercial services. However, each region is using a different V2X standard, requiring automobile, in-vehicle and roadside equipment manufacturers to develop communications equipment supporting different regional standards.

This is also coupled with the additional burden on development engineers to search and analyse large volumes of protocol data from V2X systems in order to identify incorrect message definitions.

The MX727000A Evaluation Software overcomes some of these problems by analysing V2X messages without needing to search large amounts of data, leading to improved development efficiency. Testing for all regional standards is supported by just one test platform, eliminating the need to purchase separate measuring instruments for each standard and layer.

The MX727000A PC application software product line is composed of three versions for the US (MX727020A), Europe (MX727030A), and Japan (MX727040A) and can be used in combination with either the Anritsu signal snalyzer MS269xA or MS2830A to analyse V2X messages captured from in-vehicle and roadside equipment.

The signal snalyzer captures the live V2X messages exchanged between the vehicle and roadside equipment, which are then analysed by the MX727000A software to provide objective evaluation results.

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