Solar power drives graffiti campaign in Mexico

Solar power drives graffiti campaign in Mexico

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Heliatek worked with French energy group Energie on the ‘Solar Graffiti’ installation on a sports field near Mexico City. This combines the graffiti art of the local Street Artists N3O with Heliatek’s solar films to power innovative and sustainable lighting. A total of 111 films of HeliaSol were installed both on the wall elements and above in wave forms on both flat and curved surfaces.

“We are very proud to work with Engie on such an iconic campaign. Our HeliaSol organic solar films are a perfect fit for this urban installation. Together we bring decentralized, decarbonized power generation to the city centres,” said Thibaud Le Séguillon, CEO of Heliatek.

ENGIE is active in 70 countries and invested in Heliatek in 2016, holding around 8% of the capital.

“The approach is unique and bold, because it brings a whole new technology together with the work of a street artist,” said Etienne Lerch of ENGIE Laborelec, the R&D Centre for ENGIE. “The solar films literally blend in with this art landscape to provide their residents with a lasting, powerful and therefore useful solution. And it’s very exciting to immediately see the benefits for the neighborhood’s residents.” 

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