Solder saver unit for wave soldering machines enables up to 50% savings

Solder saver unit for wave soldering machines enables up to 50% savings

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By eeNews Europe

The Solder Saver offers companies who do wave and selective soldering the opportunity to rapidly recycle dross created in the wave solder pot, thereby saving up to 50% in new solder bar purchases. Hot dross is scooped up from the surface of the wave solder pot by the hand held, light weight Solder-Saver. Dross oxides are swiftly separated from the solder by the Solder Saver’s unique high-speed rotary process system. The solder in the dross amalgam quickly flows back into the wave solder pot while the oxide powder free-flows out of the machine to float on the solder surface, ready for easy collection and safe disposal. The Solder Saver works on a continuous process basis, which means no lengthy and costly operator delays during the recycling operation.

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