Solid Sands adds 1460 tests to the C and C++ test and validation suite

Solid Sands adds 1460 tests to the C and C++ test and validation suite

Business news |
By Jean-Pierre Joosting

Solid Sands has launched the latest release of its SuperTest Compiler Test and Validation Suite, which adds a substantial number of tests to the C++ library.

Now in its 40th year of operation, SuperTest for compiler test and validation has undergone a significant redesign to embrace versatility and wide applicability. Starting off as a test suite exclusively used by a single team of compiler developers, it has evolved over the past decade into the go-to industry standard for independent C and C++ compiler developers and has become the de facto tool for compiler qualification in safety-critical software development.

Each new release of SuperTest Compiler Test and Validation Suite takes its name after a Dutch Painter. This release is named after Aelbert Cuyp, one of the great Dutch 17th-century painters. Although he is primarily known for his landscapes, he also excelled in portraits and depictions of animals, making him a very versatile painter.

Thanks to Aelbert Cuyp, the Netherlands is known worldwide for its beautiful, cloudy and continuously changing skies. Solid Sands wishes to attain such a long-lasting effect and ensure a long-term relationship with current and future customers.

“We see a large market demand for C++ in the automotive sector and the embedded industry in general,” says Marcel Beemster, CTO of Solid Sands. “We added a substantial number of tests to the C++ library suite with this Aelbert Cuyp Release. Developers discover that, unlike the standard C library, use of the C++ library is a necessary part of using C++. Of course, we extended other areas of SuperTest as well. Just to highlight one — we added support for two additional data models to our test suites for arithmetic operations, bringing the total number of supported data models to 45.”

The SuperTest Aelbert Cuyp 5.0 Release for compiler test and validation has added 1460 new tests to the C and C++ suites. Implementation code coverage close to 100% is achieved for the currently most demanded C++ headers up to C++17. The test suite for IEC 60559 floating-point arithmetic is made compatible with the pre-C++17 versions of C++. Modular treatment of the three floating point types is made easier by clear separation of their tests and their SET support. Testing for the recently introduced mathematical special functions in C++ is added and many other improvements to the suites and the tools are made.

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