ST, Prove & Run develop scalable security platform for IoT applications

ST, Prove & Run develop scalable security platform for IoT applications

New Products |
By Christoph Hammerschmidt

The platform covers the entire range of security requirements for IoT applications, up to to the highest security requirements with Common Criteria-certified components. It simplifies the development of secure IoT products and allows customers to focus on developing the functional part of their application. Product developers without special knowledge in the security sector will benefit from the fully validated and proven security services that include application isolation, secure boot processes, secure firmware updates, and keystroke protection against physical attacks.

These are the components of the platform:

  • The STM32L4 MCUs combine ST’s ultra-low-power microcontroller technology with the ARM Cortex M4 core to target the next generation of energy-conscious applications in consumer, industrial, medical, and consumer-grade applications. STM32L4 devices achieve up to 100 DMIPS with an active current consumption of only 37 μA / MHz. They also provide a range of security mechanisms (MPU, debug lifecycle, execute-only protection), which make the development more secure, robust, and flexible, with a large variety of intelligent peripherals, advanced and power-saving analog functions as well as up to 1 MB Flash and 320 KB SRAM And more reliable embedded solutions.
  • P & R-ProvenCore is a secure RTOS with proven capabilities to ensure application isolation and platform stability. Designed as a microkernel, it aims at minimizing the integration of existing code as an application, while providing effective security services and implementing secure programming concepts using state-of-the-art technology. It also includes special mechanisms for secure booting and secure application updates, which can optionally be integrated with the Platform Integrity Services of the STSAFE-A100.
  • The SecureElement STSAFE-A100 is a security solution, which is certified according to Common Criteria EAL5 +, immediately and in line with the latest findings against counterfeiting, cloning and stealing of information as well as for the defense against denial of service attacks. The STSAFE-A100 is equipped with a secure embedded operating system that is responsible for authentication, secure communications and data management operations, and Platform Integrity Services. The latter include secure boot operations and firmware upgrades. The personalization of the STSAFE-A100 with keys and secret elements is made by ST.

The platform of ST and Prove & Run will be on display at ST (Hall 4A, Stand 138) at the Embedded World from 14 to 16 March in Nuremberg. The robot demonstration demonstrates the robustness of the solution, its RTOS capabilities as well as secure boot operations and firmware upgrades.

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