ST, Valencell offer biometric sensor platform dev kit

ST, Valencell offer biometric sensor platform dev kit

New Products |
By Peter Clarke

The two companies have a development kit for biometric wearables that includes ST’s SensorTile multisensory module (see 13.5×13.5mm multi-sensor module is Bluetooth-enabled) integrated with Valencell’s Benchmark biometric sensor system.

The SensorTile is an IoT (Internet of Things) module that measures 13.5mm by 13.5mm. It includes accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, pressure, temperature sensor and digital MEMS microphone along with microcontroller and Bluetooth Low Energy chipset.Valencell’s collaboration with ST builds on previous work that incorporated ST’s STM32 MCUs and sensors into Valencell’s Benchmark sensor system.

“What attracted us to the SensorTile was the flexibility of the platform and the ultra-low power consumption, which will enable our customers to create highly-accurate and powerful wearables and hearables in any form factor,” said Steven LeBoeuf, president and co-founder of Valencell, in a statement issued by ST.

Valencell’s PerformTek sensor systems aid with the extraction of biometric signals when optical signals are weak or noisy and thereby allows the measurement of continuous heart rate, VO2 and VO2 max, resting heart rate, heart rate response, heart rate recovery, continuous energy expenditure (calorie burn), cardiac efficiency and heart rate variability assessments.

STMicroelectronics and Valencell will showcase the integrated development kit at the Consumer Electronics Show.

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