STEAM education kit aims to unleash kids’ artistic creativity
The Neuron Artist Kit comes with six supplementary cases for users to build creations from laser-cut cardboard and then bring them to life by easily coding its eight Neuron programmable electronic blocks – smart power, sound sensor, LED panel, ranging sensor, buzzer, funny touch, and more. Included creations are the ukulele, cloud lantern, xylophone, LED sword, magical drum, and infinity band.
The kit runs on two coding software applications: the Neuron app (flow based) and mBlock5 (graphical). Created by the Makeblock team of engineers, animated tutorials are available to help children of all ages to learn both physical creation and coding on every step of the way.
“Since day one Makeblock has been dedicated to helping people turn their ideas into reality and letting creation be a way of life,” says Jasen Wang, Founder and CEO of Makeblock. “At Makeblock we believe our future is driven not only by technology but also through creativity.”
The Neuron Artistic Kit is available for $149.
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