Sub-GHz multi-mode PHY transceiver for IEEE 802.15.4g

Sub-GHz multi-mode PHY transceiver for IEEE 802.15.4g

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The SX1257 is the first available solution to support all mandatory and optional IEEE 802.15.4g PHY modes including orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). It is suitable for customers desiring higher bit rates with complex modulation schemes such as OFDM in the sub-GHz band for smart metering applications.

The SX1257 is a generic RF front-end designed to support several constant and non-constant envelope modulation schemes such as MR-FSK, MR-OFDM, and MR_OQPSK. A simple 4-wire 1-bit digital interface is provided for RX and TX I/Q data, which provides maximum flexibility. The receiver integrates the RF balun and 70dB of gain control with exceptional noise figure (NF). The TX chain is highly linear with a +6dBm 1dB compression point to support non-constant envelope modulation schemes. The SX1257 can operate in both half and full-duplex mode and covers the frequency band from 862-950MHz. It is fully compliant with ETSI, FCC and ARIB regulatory requirements.

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