Swedish startup raises €3.5m for 3D SiC product development

Swedish startup raises €3.5m for 3D SiC product development

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Ascatron has developed a high performance 3D SiC technology built on silicon wafers that provides 30% lower power dissipation, higher current density and improved reliability than other device structures. The company focuses on the supply of bare die for power modules and discrete components using the 3DSiC technology.

Ascatron recently completed the sale of its shares in a Joint Venture company in China, and this provided the €3.5m funding to continue the independent development of its own products. The fabrication process for volume production of 3D SiC power diodes and MOSFETs is established at an Automotive qualified SiC foundry. The business model is semi-fabless where Ascatron design the power device and keep in-house production of the key epitaxy material, while chip fabrication is outsourced.

Ascatron has previously worked with SiC wafer supplier Norstel as well as the cubic 3D SiC built on silicon wafers.

“We use advanced epitaxial growth as part of the manufacturing process of our SiC devices to form buried doped structures as voltage blocking elements. These structures protect the sensitive die surface from high electric fields and allow device designs optimized for high power ratings,” said Adolf Schöner, CTO of Ascatron. “The key performance advantages are 15 to 30% higher current density and reliable operation even at elevated temperatures.”

The first 3D SiC devices available for design-in projects with customers are 1200V and 1700V JBS diodes and are expected to be qualified in Q4 2019. The design is modular and can be tailored to application specific requirements. MOSFETs will be ready for production in Q2 2020.

“The cost advantage of our 3DSiC® devices comes into play especially at higher voltage and current ratings,” said Christian Vieider, CEO of Ascatron. “The near-term target for our SiC diodes are 1200V and 1700V power modules. Next step will be to scale-up our SiC device wafer capacity together with our production partners.”

Ascatron produces its own 3D SiC epitaxy material with state-of-the-art thickness and doping homogeneity also for thick layers. This enables a high manufacturing yield for devices with high voltage and high current ratings. Ascatron will continue to provide its SiC epitaxy services to customers.

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