Swedish startup sees deal for solar powered window

Swedish startup sees deal for solar powered window

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

ChromoGenics in Uppsala will test its dynamic glass with the newly developed high-transparency solar cells that can be made to any degree of transparency or colour. The dynamic glass controls transmission of heat and light and can save up to 50% on cooling and heating costs. Combining the dynamic glass window with a transparent solar cell would eliminate the need for an external power source and reduce installation costs significantly and increase flexibility of placement.

“It is a great opportunity for us to work with a company like ChromoGenics that has hands-on experience of scaling up from research to industrial manufacturing. We are very eager to see how our cell performs when powering a real application in real-life conditions,” said Jacinto Sá, founder and CEO of Peafowl Solar Power (above, right).

Peafowl Solar Power is a spinoff from the Ångström Laboratory at Uppsala University where the silver-based plasmonic nanoparticle at the heart of the technology were first developed. 

It is a member of the EIT Highway program of the European incubator InnoEnergy and associated with Uppsala Innovation Centre, and are competing with several startups around the world working on transparent solar cells for windows with deals with global glass and constructoin materials suppliers (see below). 

“There are several semi-transparent solar cells on the market, but before now none of them have lived up to the high transparency requirements of our dynamic glass ConverLight. We look forward to investigating the possibilities of combining our two technologies into a unique product with great market potential,” said Greger Gregard, co-founder and CTO of ChromoGenics.

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