Synopsys teams to boost chip design in Jordan

Synopsys teams to boost chip design in Jordan

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Synopsys is working with chip design house Golden Electronics to increase the number of industry-ready chip design engineers in Jordan.

The collaboration is in the form of a very large-scale integration (VLSI) talent acceleration initiative using multiple licenses for Synopsys EDA software, educational design kits and microelectronics curriculum.

Lack of access to industry-grade design tools for microelectronic design is a common issue facing university students and recent engineering graduates in the middle east. This drew the attention of Synopsys Academic & Research Alliances (SARA), a team dedicated to bridging academia and industry to build the next generation of semiconductor design talent.

The collaboration with Golden Electronics, which was founded in 2012, enables a pipeline of skilled engineers, helping the company expand its engineering base in Jordan by engaging university students and recent engineering graduates, and upgrading their microelectronics design skills.

“There is incredible worldwide demand for skilled engineers capable of developing state-of-the-art integrated circuits (ICs), and Synopsys has a track record of fostering talent development in emerging technology centers,” said Robert Li, sales vice president of Synopsys Taiwan and South Asia. “The opportunity to work with Golden Electronics is an exact fit with our talent and ecosystem nurture strategy and we expect to see them making major progress in increasing the pool of skilled microelectronics engineers in Jordan.”

“Golden Electronics is at the forefront of IC development in Jordan,” said Khaldoon Abugharbieh, CEO of Golden Electronics. “We welcome this key initiative with an industry leader like Synopsys. It provides Golden Electronics with Synopsys industry-grade tools and vital access to the company’s educational design kits and microelectronics curriculum. The combination of technology and teaching materials will allow us to extend our outreach across Jordanian universities and upgrade the skills of engineering students and graduates. As Golden Electronics prepares to scale up, a robust pipeline of skilled microelectronics engineers is key.”


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