Testing analog radio equipment digitally

Testing analog radio equipment digitally

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By eeNews Europe

The R&S CMA180 Radio Test Set covers the frequency range from 100kHz to 3GHz. Thanks to its large touch screen display and its clearly structured menu, it can be operated easily and quickly. Test signals are generated by an integrated ARB generator and controlled by software. Thus, users can generate any desired output signal shape at a bandwidth of up to 20MHz – a feature that normally characterize much more expensive instruments.

The ease of operation also becomes visible in the way, users can generate additional signals just by a couple of mouse clicks – according to Rohde & Schwarz an industry first among radio measuring stations. For instance, users this way can generate interfering signals to test common-channel suppression. In addition, service technicians and test engineers can utilize the integrated sequencer to generate automated test runs.

The power input of the CMA180 accepts signals of up to 100W continuous power and 150W peak – a feature that has no comparable test station. Thanks to its digital signal processing, the CMA180 achieves very exact results – something that makes the instrument suited for Software Defined Radios (SDRs). As an option, highly exact power measurement heads are available for power tests.

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