The Top 10 Most Popular Analog Technical Articles of 2011
Beginning in reverse order we have:
Kicking off the Top Ten there is this article from Michael Steffes, Sr. Applications Manager, Intersil Corp that focused on DC-coupled, single-to-differential design solutions using fully differential amplifiers.
9. Exposing the hidden costs of using off-the-shelf analog ICs
In this article Bob Frostholm of JVD examined the hidden costs of using off-the-shelf analog ICs
8. Understand baluns for highly integrated RF modules
Mark Forbes, Mentor Graphics Corp. and Mark Gorbett, Microwave Assurance, LLC, showed why it is essential to understand balun technology to achieve highly integrated RF modules
7. 7 myths of analog and mixed-signal ASIC design
Bob Frostholm of JVD Inc outlined the seven myths of analog and mixed-signal ASIC design and pinpoints the role analog will play in the deployment of an ASIC design.
6. Active filters that still work even when their amplifiers do not
This article represented an addendum to an earlier article in which the Filter Wizard, aka Kendall Castor-Perry, the Principal Architect at Cypress Semiconductor, forgot to do a very important simulation. The apparently undesirable behaviour predicted by that simulation turned out to not be a problem after all, and further demonstrated the robustness of the design approach.
5. Understanding noise, ENOB, and effective resolution in analog-to-digital converters
Steve Logan of Maxim Integrated Products Inc. pointed out that the performance metrics related to noise is one of the most difficult aspects of transitioning from a SAR to a delta-sigma ADC. This article aimed to help designers develop a better understanding of ADC noise, ENOB, effective resolution, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR).
4. Using Pspice to analyze amplifier loop stability (Part 1 of 2)
Hooman Hashemi, Application Engineer, National Semiconductor Corp. explained how Pspice Macromodels in conjunction with simple circuit techniques can enhance the designer’s ability to ensure that his or her designs are functional.
3. Lowpass filters that don’t: A tale of leakage current
The Filter Wizard, Kendall Castor-Perry, mounts the champions’ podium once again with his tale of leakage currents and their relationship to true lowpass filters.
2. How to implement All-Digital analog-to-digital converters in FPGAs and ASICs
Allan Chin and Luciano Zoso of Stellamar nipped into the runner-up with their description of how to implement ‘All-Digital’ analog-to-digital converters in FPGAs and ASICs.
1. Which filters are noisier – analog or digital? Part 1
And the Filter Wizard, Kendall Castor-Perry, collects all the plaudits with his article that examined some fundamental noise mechanisms in filters, using SPICE to illustrate the performance limits you can expect. The article concentrated on analog filters. A worthy win for the Wizard.