ThreadX-Lite fully integrated with IAR Embedded Workbench

ThreadX-Lite fully integrated with IAR Embedded Workbench

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A subset of the popular ThreadX RTOS, ThreadX-Lite contains many ThreadX features and capabilities packaged in a compact object library designed with IAR Systems for use with the IAR Embedded Workbench IDE.
ThreadX-Lite, like ThreadX, is a real-time, priority-based, preemptive scheduling RTOS with services for the use and management of threads, queues, timers, semaphores, event flag groups, byte pools and block pools. It shares the ThreadX API for these services, and applications written using ThreadX-Lite are immediately able to run with ThreadX, should developers desire to upgrade to the full system for maximum functionality and full source code.
Designed specifically for microcontrollers, ThreadX-Lite requires a mere 2KB of ROM and less than 1KB of RAM. Similarly fast, ThreadX-Lite executes a context switch on a 100MHz Cortex-M3 processor in less than one microsecond. ThreadX-Lite targets Cortex-M0, M0+, M3, and M4-based microcontrollers from Atmel, Freescale, Fujitsu, Infineon, NXP, STMicroelectronics, and Texas Instruments.

When used with IAR Embedded Workbench, ThreadX-Lite makes available many run-time development capabilities, including support for Express Logic’s TraceX graphical event-trace tool and extensive RTOS awareness in the IAR C-SPY Debugger. Together, ThreadX-Lite and IAR Embedded Workbench provide an ideal platform for new product development. ThreadX-Lite is available through IAR Systems, for $4,500 per seat, with no run-time royalties.

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