TI claims 12-bit ADC is fastest at 10.4 Gsps
The ADC12DJ5200RF is a dual-channel component with a bandwidth of 8 GHz suitable for 5G testing applications, high-speed oscilloscopes, and direct X-band sampling for radar applications.
In dual-channel mode, the ADC12DJ5200RF samples at 5.2 Gsps and captures instantaneous bandwidth as high as 2.6 GHz at 12-bit resolution. In single-channel mode, the ADC samples at 10.4 Gsps and captures IBW up to 5.2 GHz.
The ADC supports the JESD204C standard interface, which can reduce the numer of serdes lanes needed to output data to an FPGA. Offset error is ±300 µV with zero temperature drift and the ADC12DJ5200RF consumes 4-W, 20 percent lower than competitive ADCs, TI claims.
The component comes in a 144-ball, 10- by 10-mm package and is pin-compatible with the ADC12DJ3200, ADC12DJ2700 and ADC08DJ3200.