Tool brings accurate position data to Simulink
The blockset provides the electronic horizon in HD quality via the standardized ADASISv3 protocol, making accurate route and position data available for Simulink applications. In contrast to conventional vehicles, highly automated and autonomous vehicles should be able to recognize to within a few centimeters where they are in order to move safely through traffic. With the new blockset, alternative vehicle positions can now be determined with centimetre accuracy with their probabilities of occurrence. Detailed environmental data, e.g. for intersections with individual lanes, enable precise maneuver calculations. Developers also benefit from the new map management, which enables efficient management of large amounts of data in ADASIS v3. The Horizon Reconstructor only provides the required data and automatically deletes the superfluous data.
Since the blockset is based on the EB robinos Reconstructor for ADASIS v3, developers do not need to implement their own Horizon Reconstructor or familiarize themselves with the details of the ADASIS protocol.
The manufacturer sees the new blockset as a component of its end-to-end tool chain for autonomous driving. It will support the development of map-based ADAS applications and functions for autonomous driving on dSpace prototyping systems and the PC-based simulation platform VEOS.
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