Tools announced for Xilinx Zynq-7000
TRACE32 now supports all processor cores, including PowerPC and MicroBlaze processors, used with Xilinx programmable logic. In multi-core designs any combination of these cores can be debugged concurrently using a single debug interface.
It also supports all hardware debug features of the Cortex-A9 MPCore processing system and flash programming. An off-chip and on-chip real-time program trace with sophisticated trace filters and triggers is available. If off-chip trace is used, it does not use any FPGA resources but stores the trace data in up to 4GB of external high-speed memory.
Unlike other tools, Lauterbach says the TRACE32 debugger has been developed specifically to meet the needs of embedded debugging. Being the product of more than 30 years of embedded debugging experience TRACE32 accumulated a rich feature set, which is common to the TRACE32 debugger for over 60 supported processor families.