TriQuint demonstrates GaN leadership by achieving key development milestones
Together with researchers from the University of Notre Dame, TriQuint put its GaN NEXT Process, which is being developed with funds from DARPA and not yet commercially available, through stringent performance tests. The results of the testing demonstrated performance twice that of recently-claimed ‘best’ performance by University of California Santa Barbara. The paper, entitled, “State-of-the-Art E/D GaN Technology Based on an InAlN/AlN/GaN Heterostructure” itemizes Ft>240-GHz compared to the UCSB claim of Ft=120-GHz. The paper also details Enhancement / Depletion integration with record DC and RF performances. The paper can be requested from the technical resources for GaN page.
TriQuint’s commercial GaN foundry offering is now available on 100mm wafers in Limited Release. This release is designed for well-qualified customers with available resources prior to becoming a Full Release process. The latter will include the full complement of associated models, tools and support traditionally offered to TriQuint customers. TriQuint’s GaN process technology has also been certified as a Department of Defense Category 1A ‘Trusted Foundry’ ensuring customers that TriQuint’s GaN process meets stringent product control and secure handling standards during all stages of circuit fabrication. Accreditation also creates an avenue for increased high security monolithic microwave integrated circuit (MMIC) business.
TriQuint has released several standard products based on its GaN process. The following products enable excellent RF performance and include:
The T1G4005528-FS is an innovative discrete RF power transistor with exceptional performance from DC to 3.5 GHz. Ideal for narrow and wideband applications, the T1G4005528-FS is well suited for military and civilian radar, professional and military radio communications systems, test instrumentation, avionics and wideband or narrowband amplifiers.
The T1G6001528-Q3 is a packaged GaN discrete RF power transistor offering substantial wideband coverage, high PAE, gain, and more than 18 Watts of output power and greater than 50% efficiency across an exceptionally wide bandwidth (DC to 6 GHz). This multifaceted device can be used in professional and military radio communication systems, jammers, military and civilian radar, test instrumentation, avionics and wideband or narrowband amplifiers.
The TGA2576 is a power amplifier that delivers 30W of saturated output power in the 2.5-6 GHz range and typically offers 30% PAE and 25dBm of small signal gain. The PA is well suited for counter-IED (C-IED) and other EW (electronic weapons) systems.
TriQuint is working on several ongoing research contracts with government agencies to further its development of GaN for broad commercial use.
For further information: www.tqs.com.