TRW to highlight adaptable safety platforms at IAA motor show

TRW to highlight adaptable safety platforms at IAA motor show

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

In particular, TRW plans to unveil a new generation of radar technology – a short range, dual antenna radar for 360 degrees sensing applications, and a vacuum independent, future brake boost & control system, which can simplify the brake system while enhancing functionality.

TRW CEO John Plant said the company intends to use IAA as a platform to highlight its innovations in ‘cognitive’ safety, with an emphasis on how to meet consumer needs in both developed and emerging markets with affordable solutions. "We are committed to delivering safety for everyone", Plant said.

The TRW top executive added the company increasingly bets on delivering modular solutions that can be easily adapted to suit local market needs. "Approximately 75 percent of new vehicles produced today are global platforms, and a high proportion of TRW’s current sales are in support of such platforms. We have developed a range of modular and scalable components and systems which are already in production on several models and we continue to innovate new solutions in this direction," Plant explained.

Figure 1: TRW’s electronic stability control module.

Examples of TRW’s modular technologies include its electronic stability control (ESC) family; a scalable camera systems; modular airbag kits; and latest generation electrically powered steering systems.


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