Two industrial networking kits to win based on the Terasic DE2-115 FPGA board

Two industrial networking kits to win based on the Terasic DE2-115 FPGA board

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

The INK features a Cyclone IV E (EP4CE115F29) FPGA and supports most industrial Ethernet and fieldbus networking standards, enabling all IP vendors to support the latest generation of low-cost FPGAs. Altera FPGAs are programmable and allow engineers to evaluate and develop multiple industrial Ethernet protocol standards on a single device, such as a Cyclone IV device. The kits are suitable for industrial automation and process control applications for servo/drive/motion-control equipment, sensors, programmable-logic controllers, machine vision, and video surveillance equipment.

The INK includes the ICB-HSMC board, which expands the DE2-115 board functionality with support for dual CAN, dual RS-485, and RS-232 (and Profibus) interfaces with both DB-9 connectors and 10-pin headers. The package also comes with Quartus II software, an INK system CD-ROM, and a quick-start guide to get users up and running.

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