Two team on German 320kW fast charger design

Two team on German 320kW fast charger design

Business news |
By Nick Flaherty

Charging technology specialist ADS-TEC from Baden-Württemberg is working with TEAG on a 350kW fast charger system with a battery connection.

ADS-TEC Energy in Nürtingen is part of the Bosch-owned group that is perhaps better know for its display systems. It has already worked with TEAG on the construction of Thuringia’s first HPC fast charger station with battery integration.

The two have worked on a 320kW fast charger at the TEAG campus in Erfurt. The special feature is the battery system, the HPC-Booster, that acts as a power amplifier, charging at HPC level at locations with limited grid connection. The ads-tec developers were able to integrate all the required components (power electronics, battery, air-conditioning technology, control system) in a compact cabinet with a small floor space.

“For us, this charging technology from ADS-TEC, which is now ready for series production, opens up completely new possibilities for the use of HPC chargers,” says Ingo Bergmann, TEAG division manager for mobility. “The storage system creates more flexible connection options even in the “smallest” power grids and is saving therefore high grid investments. We see applications, for example, at car dealerships, gas stations, supermarkets and also in residential areas.” TEAG has already been offering individual charging solutions for private and business customers since 2016. ADS-TEC also has the capability to provide us with reliable support even in the face of broad market demand.

“TEAG is an ideal partner because, as an area supplier, the company has great experience in the responsibility for infrastructure, energy systems and the supply of several hundred thousand end customers,” said Thomas Speidel, CEO of ADS-TEC, who sees extensive development potential in the cooperation. “Fast charging is now being added as a further component to the energy system and TEAG will close the gap at power-limited locations with the highly innovative fast charging systems from ADS-TEC. This is entirely in the interest of future customers who can´t always drive to large charging parks, but also want to recharge fast decentralized.”

The system is now ready for production at the company production site near Dresden. The CEO of ADS-TEC Holding GmbH, Thomas Speidel, is also Managing Director of ads-tec Energy GmbH and President of the German Energy Storage Association (BVES) in Berlin.

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