UltraSoC partnership boosts academic support
This move is intended to push UltraSoC’s support for education, especially for RISC-V open source architecture, and help academic institutions to develop cost-effective solutions using open resources.
Europractice is a European Commission initiative to help academic and non-commercial research and teaching supporting electronic system design – from ASIC development to wafer fabrication. It supports a wide range of modern design methodologies for ICs, photonics, MEMS, FPGA and systems. Its support is available to academic institutions and publicly funded research laboratories largely in Europe. Europractice membership and access to design tools is managed by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) at the Microelectronics Support Centre, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in the UK.
UltraSoC has developed an active University Program. Part of that program consists of providing low-cost or free IP licenses to participating institutions, for research or pre-commercial investigation.
The company has also recently been provided with a significant grant from Innovate UK for a joint industry/academia project involving the Universities of Coventry and Southampton to develop the world’s first on-chip cybersecurity monitoring solution for connected and autonomous vehicles.
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