USB-scope drivers for PicoScopes now run on BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi boards

USB-scope drivers for PicoScopes now run on BeagleBone and Raspberry Pi boards

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By eeNews Europe

The drivers give programmers access to a wide range of compact, economical USB oscilloscopes and data loggers. These include high-speed oscilloscopes with bandwidths up to 500 MHz, high-resolution 12-bit and 16-bit oscilloscopes, and deep-memory oscilloscopes with buffer sizes up to 512 Msamples. Most PicoScope oscilloscopes also offer advanced digital triggering, fast block-mode and streaming-mode data capture, and a built-in signal generator or arbitrary waveform generator. The data logger range includes multichannel voltage loggers, 8-channel thermocouple loggers and the educational DrDAQ multifunction logger.

Separate driver packages and snippets of C code are available for Raspbian and Debian systems. Similar code could be developed in C-compatible programming languages such as C++, Java and JavaScript.

As beta products, these drivers are explained and supported on Picoscope’s forum at:

Beta drivers for Mac OS X and Linux, drivers for Microsoft Windows and a free SDK can all be downloaded free of charge.

Pico Technology;

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