V2X is for drones, bikers too, says NXP CTO

V2X is for drones, bikers too, says NXP CTO

Technology News |
By Rich Pell

Having just successfully mastered its capability to electronically link up multiple trucks to form a semi-automatic platoon, the vehicle-to-x radio technology proved that it can be deployed in really time-critical applications such as braking. Now chipmaker NXP is searching for new application fields.

During a panel discussion at car insurer Allianz SE, NXP’s Chief Technology Officer Lars Reger suggested that the technology would be ideal for bikers. Today, intersection accidents are one of the most frequent causes of accidents. If a motorbike driver is involved, he typically draws the short straw. Therefore, bike riders would particularly benefit if their bikes would be equipped with this technology.

“V2X is the ideal way to protect motorbikes if they approach intersections and have the right of way – but a car driver overlook them. V2X could both traffic participants warn early enough to prevent a crash”, he said.

Against the background of increasing popularity of drones, Reger also suggested to equip these mini helicopters with V2X transponders. He draw a picture in the probably not to distant future when the sky will be populated with drones delivering goods as proposed by online shipping company Amazon. “These unmanned aerial vehicles will run into danger to collide and crash”, Reger said. “V2X could help them to find their way without crashing into each other.”

The weight of the additional electronics certainly would not be a problem for the mostly rather small flying objects. Reger showed around a V2X module: It had about the size of a matchbox.

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