VarioTAP emulation test extended to Energy Micro’s Giant Gecko Series
Users are now able to utilize the processor as native instruments for prototype hardware design validation, production test and Flash programming. Higher test coverage is enabled by dynamic and customer-specific tests. For all test and programming methods, a unified environment including VarioTAP model library is provided. The EFM32GGxxx are energy-saving micro controllers, designed for ultra-low power applications. They are based on a 32 bit ARM Cortex M3 RISC processor with clock frequencies of up to 48 MHz. They provide low power consumption but flexible periphery and Flash components of up to 1 MB. They are integrated in BGA, QFN or QFP housings that allow no contact with external instruments. VarioTAP provides design embedded tools for testing, hardware debugging, Flash programming and design validation after chip mounting.
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