Video scan converter converts computer VGA signals into high quality PAL/NTSC/RSI170

Video scan converter converts computer VGA signals into high quality PAL/NTSC/RSI170

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It converts computer VGA signals into high quality PAL/NTSC/RSI170 to drive a comprehensive range of electronic displays. The NanoVTV is both rugged and robust. It delivers consistent high-quality video scan conversion at low power and requires minimal configuration. Well suited for multi-purpose displays, the NanoVTV features on-board Frame Store and a DSP unit which performs scan conversion, flicker filtering, scaling and colour space conversion in the digital domain. The NanoVTV features a board micro controller allowing it to operate completely standalone without run-time control from an external system. The settings of the card can be modified via a serial link and application-specific configuration can be stored to the non-volatile storage of the card.

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