Volkswagen adopts NXP battery management for MEB platform
In an interview with eeNews Europe, Robert Li, who is responsible for battery management systems at NXP, explained that Volkswagen relies on the BMS from NXP for its MEB platform. The scalable BMS platform from NXP provides the necessary flexibility and scalability to meet the different customer expectations in terms of range – whether in a compact car like the ID.3, a plug-in hybrid or high-end electric vehicles like the ID.4, Audi e-Tron or Porsche Taycan, he said.
For Volkswagen, the ID.3 and ID.4 vehicle series represent a major technological shift towards electric mobility. “In the first wave of our electromobility product offensive, we plan to launch around 75 fully electric vehicle models by 2029,” explains Dr. Holger Manz, Head of Energy Supply and High-voltage Systems at Volkswagen AG. “With a functionally reliable battery management system that can be scaled across a wide range of vehicle models, we can fully exploit the battery’s potential, optimize range and maximize battery life”.
Extending the range is still a major challenge for the automotive industry. With the market launch of the ID. family from Volkswagen, the company is redefining travel with electric vehicles: The flexible range includes models with 45 kWh, 58 kWh and 77 kWh. Using rapid charging with 100 kW direct current (DC), the average battery can be recharged to a range of 415 km within 30 minutes. With the larger, fully charged battery, a range of up to 544 km can be achieved.
NXP also sees electric mobility as a great business opportunity and a “hot market”, as Li put it. According to the NXP expert, it can be assumed that by around 2024 electric vehicles will be on a par with internal combustion engines in terms of cost and benefit.
Currently, 16 of the top 20 automakers have chosen NXP’s battery management solutions, including the “Three Greats” – Chrysler, Ford and General Motors, albeit not exclusively: As recently as September, GM has announced to use Analog Device’s wireless BMS for certain models.
Meanwhile, research institutes and companies worldwide are working on improved chemical formulations for batteries and electrodes. NXP’s BMS systems are already prepared to handle innovative chemicals, Li explained in an interview with eeNews Europe. The NXP chips can also handle powertrains based on hydrogen fuel cells. “We are involved in some feasibility studies,” Li said.
However, according to the NXP expert, the focus of technological development and industrialization in the coming years will clearly be on battery electric drives. „In the coming years, BEV will dominate over Fuel Cell drives”, he said.
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