Voltage references deliver ultra-low noise, high accuracy and value for precision applications
The new ADR45xx series of voltage references are specifically suited for high-resolution data converters and precision applications in data acquisition systems, instrumentation, process control, and automotive battery monitoring.
With low frequency noise of 0.5 ppm, maximum temperature coefficient of 2 ppm/⁰C over the full operating temperature range of -40 ⁰C to +125 ⁰C, and a typical long-term drift of only 25 ppm/1khr, the ADR45xx series of voltage references provide high accuracy over time and temperature variations critical for many precision applications. The performance is achieved with a maximum quiescent current of 950 µA and $3.45 price, making the devices ideal for portable and budget sensitive designs. Also available is an A-grade version with a TC of 5 ppm/⁰C at $2.45.
The ADR45xx Voltage References feature an output noise (0.1 – 10 Hz) that is < 1µV P-P @ 2.048 V OUT typical. The series has an initial output voltage error of ±0.02 percent (max) with an input voltage range of 3 V to 15 V and an output current of +10 mA source/-10 mA sink. There is a low dropout voltageof300 mV @ 2 mA (V OUT ≥ 3 V).
The ADR4520, ADR4525, ADR4530, ADR4533, ADR4540 and ADR4550 are all packaged in a SOIC-8 and available now.
More information about the ADR4520, ADR4525, ADR4530, ADR4533, ADR4540 and ADR4550 product pages at www.analog.com/ADR4520
Select the best voltage reference for your application using ADI’s free Voltage Reference Selection and Evaluation Wizard : www.analog.com/Voltage_Reference_Wizard