Voltage references deliver ultra-low noise, high accuracy and value for precision applications

Voltage references deliver ultra-low noise, high accuracy and value for precision applications

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By eeNews Europe

The new ADR45xx series of voltage references are specifically suited for high-resolution data converters and precision applications in data acquisition systems, instrumentation, process control, and automotive battery monitoring.

With low frequency noise of 0.5 ppm, maximum temperature coefficient of 2 ppm/⁰C over the full operating temperature range of -40 ⁰C to +125 ⁰C, and a typical long-term drift of only 25 ppm/1khr, the ADR45xx series of voltage references provide high accuracy over time and temperature variations critical for many precision applications. The performance is achieved with a maximum quiescent current of 950 µA and $3.45 price, making the devices ideal for portable and budget sensitive designs. Also available is an A-grade version with a TC of 5 ppm/⁰C at $2.45.
The ADR45xx Voltage References feature an output noise (0.1 – 10 Hz) that is < 1µV P-P @ 2.048 V OUT typical.  The series has an initial output voltage error of ±0.02 percent (max) with an input voltage range of 3 V to 15 V and an output current of +10 mA source/-10 mA sink.  There is a low dropout voltageof300 mV @ 2 mA (V OUT ≥ 3 V).


The ADR4520, ADR4525, ADR4530, ADR4533, ADR4540 and ADR4550 are all packaged in a SOIC-8 and available now. 
More information about the ADR4520, ADR4525, ADR4530, ADR4533, ADR4540 and ADR4550 product pages at

Select the best voltage reference for your application using ADI’s free Voltage Reference Selection and Evaluation Wizard :

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