Webinar; Basics of touch-sensing, with mixed-signal programmables

Webinar; Basics of touch-sensing, with mixed-signal programmables

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By eeNews Europe

“This course will cover several touch sensor implementations as well as common issues which can influence sensor behaviour. Environmental parameters (moisture, temperature, noise, etc.) can cause an unstable system where false touches are detected. This webinar will cover various circuits to compensate for these issues. All described sensor circuits will be implemented in GreenPAK Configurable Mixed-signal ICs to allow low power, low cost, easily modifiable designs.


After the webinar, registrants will receive links to the free GreenPAK Designer software and all GreenPAK design files covered in the session. Links to the recording and corresponding touch sensor application notes will also be provided.”


Registration is here for the 16:00 CET session (or on this link for the alternative timing).



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