Winbond adopts secure flash protocol from Nanolock
The solution has been adopted by Winbond Electronics Corp. (Hsinchu, Taiwan) and will be offered as a flash memory option. The pin-out is identical to standard flash devices and implementation of the protocol is left up to Nanolock partners. It requires some sort of key storage for encrypted communications and some logic circuitry to implement trusted communications and allow or prevent writing to memory.
NanoLock describes the protocol as a “lightweight, ironclad security” that manages flash memory from source of trust in the cloud through to persistent memory. It is CPU and OS agnostic and provides protection during regular operations and firmware-over-the-air (FOTA) updates. Typical end equipment could include: automotive ECUs/MCUs, cameras, industrial networks and routers.
“Winbond is the only memory company we have gone public with. There are a couple of memory vendors with announcements to follow,” said Yoni Kahana, vice president of customers at Nanolock. Nanolock is also working with automotive supply companies, Kahana said.
The NanoLock and Winbond solution is already being tested with multiple joint customers piloting the IoT security and management platform.
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