Wind river infotainment platform is Genivi compliant

Wind river infotainment platform is Genivi compliant

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By eeNews Europe

Wind River Platform for Infotainment is now compliant to the GENIVI Compliance 5.0 specification. Additional updates to Platform for Infotainment include availability on new reference hardware and work with ecosystem collaborators to further grow capabilities such as enhanced data connectivity.

By using Platform for Infotainment, engineers can build a GENIVI-compliant automotive in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) platform. Additional updates to Platform for Infotainment include the following:

  • Availability on new reference hardware for the Renesas R-Car H2/M2 and NVIDIA Tegra K1, system-on-chips (SoCs) for next-generation, high-end IVI and information systems targeting visual computing applications in areas such as automotive navigation, IVI, and driver assist systems
  • Integration with Tuxera file system solutions, ensuring fully interoperable data connectivity and plug-and-play interoperability with externally brought-in data storage, and fail-safe design protecting against lost user content during plug-off or a power drop
  • User interface and graphical development enhancements and Wayland/Weston enablement

Wind River has also developed proof-of-concepts that consolidate digital cluster displays and an IVI system onto a single architecture or electronic control unit (ECU). As automotive systems become more sophisticated, the number of ECUs and their complexity is also rising. The Wind River ECU consolidation proof-of-concept not only demonstrates space and power savings but also reduces complexity by moving integration efforts from hardware to software. This approach creates an opportunity to consolidate more of the software-driven functions onto fewer but more powerful hardware platforms.

The GENIVI-compliant Wind River Platform for Infotainment is an automotive IVI software platform based on the Yocto Project open source development infrastructure. The platform includes reference boards, accompanied by integrated software development and test tools, along with Yocto Project toolchain components. Being Yocto Project Compatible allows for greater cross-platform compatibility and component interoperability, and helps developers use open source for its capability for rapid innovation.

In addition to Platform for Infotainment, the Wind River automotive portfolio also includes expert system integration services, multimedia, and connectivity; technologies such as iOS connectivity, fastboot, Audio Video Bridging (AVB) Android, GENIVI expertise and solutions, Tizen integration services, Security Profile for Wind River Linux, and VxWorks; and tools such as Wind River Diab Compiler, Wind River Simics simulation, and virtualisation technologies. Wind River says it can support the auto industry in almost any project, from infotainment and telematics to digital cluster display projects.

Wind River automotive technologies;


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