Wireless sensor networking chip market to grow 300% in 2011 thanks to advanced metering infrastructure rollouts
“2010 showed WSN IC shipment growth of more than 300% over the previous year,” says ABI Research principal analyst Jonathan Collins, “largely due to severe impact of the recession on early-stage 802.15.4 adoption and trials. Even with many key AMI (Advanced Metering Infrastructure) deployments expected to launch in 2011, the level of year-on-year growth will be far lower this year.”
While growth rates will drop, shipments are still expected to grow strongly, with 2011 almost doubling 2010 shipment numbers. Much of that growth will come as the WSN market continues to move from proprietary to standardized offerings, leveraging 802.15.4 silicon.
Practice director Sam Lucero adds, “Initiatives such as ZigBee RF4CE are already attracting new players into the 802.15.4 market with the promise of a globally standardized environment for 802.15.4 offerings.”
802.15.4-based technology delivers short range wireless connectivity to a range of markets including smart energy, home, building and industrial automation, and wireless healthcare.
To learn more about market conditions for these technologies, visit “Wireless Sensor Networks Market Data” which provides ABI Research’s historically collected set of data for IEEE 802.15.4 IC shipments and the firm’s forecast for these shipments for the next five years.
Visit ABI Research at www.abiresearch.com.
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