Xilinx to add PUF security to Zynq devices
The Security Working Group for Aerospace and Defense, Automotive, Communications, Industrial IoT, and Medical markets – to give it its full name – considered many aspects of rigorous security demands in today’s and tomorrow’s systems. The working group agenda included a discussion of an industry-leading Physically Unclonable Function (PUF) based IP that will greatly enhance the hardware root of trust when deploying Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC devices.
The Xilinx Security Working Group is an annual invitation-only event that discuss the latest security topics in supply chain protections, device security, secure boot, runtime security, and security application development. More information about it is here; https://www.xilinx.com/about/security-working-group-2016.html
Xilinx’s PUF IP, supplied by Verayo, produces a unique device “fingerprint” that provides a cryptographically strong Key Encryption Key (KEK) known only to the device. The PUF takes advantage of CMOS manufacturing process variations including threshold voltage, oxide thickness, metal shape, resistances, and capacitances to produce uniqueness between devices. PUFs are typically held to be secure (not only because) the unique identifier it creates, and any keys generated from it, are extracted on-demand and are not stored in any location where they can be discovered.
Xilinx: www.xilinx.com
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