Z-Wave Alliance focuses on the Internet of Things

Z-Wave Alliance focuses on the Internet of Things

Technology News |
By eeNews Europe

Among other exhibits, the group announced to highlight the RaZberry – a Raspberry Pi computer board equipped with a control gateway for Z-Wave communications processes. This gateway will enable the popular Raspberry Pi ready for Smart Home applications, the Alliance said. Further highlights at the fair will be lighting controls and energy consumption measurements as well demonstrations how "wireless dimmers and switches connect the smart home".

Beyond these lighting-oriented applications, the Z-Wave Alliance also will show Z-Wave use cases and applications in fields such as Smart Energy, Security, Independent Ageing and Remote Property Management. At the stand of the Alliance, a number of members including Aeon Labs, Fakro, Flat-Out Technology, Philio, Vision Security and Z-Wave.Me, are exhibiting their latest developments.

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