Second graphene multi-project wafer run set to start

Second graphene multi-project wafer run set to start

Technology News |
By Nick Flaherty

Applications for Europe’s second multi-project wafer (MPW) run for graphene sensors will close next Monday, 31 October 2022.

The MPW run by the 2D-EPL project is offered by VTT in Finland and provides universities, research institutes and companies an opportunity to include their designs as dies on joint wafers for graphene sensors.

The baseline process for the MPW run is a GFET including a top/bottom contact with an optional local or global back gate, an optional encapsulation and an optional graphene-area opening. The design of the device can be adjusted within the specifications listed here.

The MPW run provides affordable prototypes for researchers as well as benchmarking of designs and customisable chips in a flexible process flows.

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