Analyzing cryptographic implementations of Chinese SMx algorithms

Analyzing cryptographic implementations of Chinese SMx algorithms

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By eeNews Europe

eshard technology allows security experts to attack, pinpoint and refine the security of their products in a more efficient way, while ensuring them to build and share their knowledge internally. Focusing on addressing the Chinese security market with the best security testing tool, the SMx Algorithms module runs on the esDynamic platform to educate industry on this algorithm and empower developers to analyze the security of its implementations.

The esDynamic Analyst Development Kit (ADK) platform is an eshard-developed all-in-one framework to perform in-depth security analyses in embedded systems and mobile applications. It aims at easing the teamwork of embedded security experts. esDynamic allows security experts to perform side-channel and binary analysis more efficiently – thus sparing their valuable time.

Featuring a comprehensive and user-friendly toolbox dedicated to security analysts, esDynamic modular architecture makes it possible to add new and custom features along the way. Side Channel Analysis is one of the available modules.

esDynamic side-channel analysis capabilities allow to conduct research or state-of-the-art analysis on sensitive codes, in a proper and efficient way, by providing analysis reports and documentation, including LaTeX, graphics and dynamic widgets. It supplies eshard’s best-in-class trace observation widget, which allows enhanced trace alignment. Powered with Side Channel Analysis, esDynamic is the fastest tool in the market for processing 1st and 2nd order statistical attacks (DPA, CPA, MIA) on all popular algorithms (DES, AES, RSA).

Open Security Research –

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