Needs-based planning: how do I find the right form factor?

Needs-based planning: how do I find the right form factor?

By Advantech

Embedded computer systems are the brains and backbone of practically every technical system, from industrial automation and robotics to telecommunications and medical technology. The product range is huge – and the variety of designs and form factors can be confusing at first. Various processor families and architectures make the already wide range even more confusing. This article is intended as a decision-making and selection aid.

There are many different approaches to determining your requirements for a new embedded system. What they all have in common is that the processor platform should ideally be determined first, as many of the other parameters are, at least implicitly, derived from this decision. Implicitly because the processor platform naturally has a significant influence on the subsequent size of the overall system via its power consumption and also via its integration density / the sheer size of the selected processor.

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